
Machine Learning是什么 简单的理解就是在输入和输出中找一个函数 Different types of Functions Deep Learning Introduce history (Ups and downs of Deep Learning) 1958: Perceptron (linear model) 1969: Perceptron has limitation 1980: Multi-layer perceptron Do not have significant difference from DNN today 1986: Backpropagation Usually more than 3

Use $\Sigma$ in different mode sum mode making-the-subscript-under-the-summation use color Using_colours_in_LaTeX inline math $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i|$ $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i|$ display math $$ \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i| $$ $$ \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i| $$ use \limits $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i|$ $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i-y_i|$ use color ${\color{red}\eta}\frac{{\delta}L}{{\delta}W}|_{w=w^0}$ ${\color{red}\eta}\frac{{\delta}L}{{\delta}W}|_{w=w^0}$ frac and sfrac $ \frac{1}{2} = \sfrac{1}{2} $ $ \frac{1}{2} = \sfrac{1}{2} $ text and textcolor $\textcolor{red}{\text{red curve}}\text{ will be}$ $\textcolor{red}{\text{red curve}}\text{ will be}$ cases $$ \delta(x) = \begin{cases} g(x) > 0 & \text{Output = class 1} \cr else

reference MathJax LaTex Ref LaTex Math Symbols or LaTex Math Symbols LaTeX_mathematical_symbols short-math-guide or short-math-guide spaces in markdown Regular space : There's a regular space. Two spaces gap : There's a regular space. Four spaces gap: There's a regular space. There’s a regular space. There’s a regular space. There’s a regular space. Math Mode Accents $\hat{a}$ \hat{a} $\check{a}$ \check{a} $\tilde{a}$ \tilde{a} $\acute{a}$ \acute{a} $\grave{a}$ \grave{a} $\dot{a}$ \dot{a} $\ddot{a}$ \ddot{a} $\breve{a}$ \breve{a} $\bar{a}$ \bar{a}

常用颜色 $\color{Red}\blacksquare$ Red $\color{Green}\blacksquare$ Green $\color{Blue}\blacksquare$ Blue $\color{Cyan}\blacksquare$ Cyan $\color{Magenta}\blacksquare$ Magenta $\color{Yellow}\blacksquare$ Yellow $\color{Black}\blacksquare$ Black $\color{Gray}\blacksquare$ Gray $\color{White}\blacksquare$ White $\color{DarkGray}\blacksquare$ DarkGray $\color{LightGray}\blacksquare$ LightGray $\color{Brown}\blacksquare$ Brown $\color{Lime}\blacksquare$ Lime $\color{Olive}\blacksquare$ Olive $\color{Orange}\blacksquare$ Orange $\color{Pink}\blacksquare$ Pink $\color{Purple}\blacksquare$ Purple $\color{Teal}\blacksquare$ Teal $\color{Violet}\blacksquare$ Violet 扩展颜色(68种) $\color{Apricot}\blacksquare$ Apricot $\color{Aquamarine}\blacksquare$ Aquamarine $\color{Bittersweet}\blacksquare$ Bittersweet $\color{Black}\blacksquare$ Black $\color{Blue}\blacksquare$ Blue $\color{BlueGreen}\blacksquare$ BlueGreen $\color{BlueViolet}\blacksquare$ BlueViolet $\color{BrickRed}\blacksquare$ BrickRed $\color{Brown}\blacksquare$ Brown $\color{BurntOrange}\blacksquare$

set locale sudo apt-get install language-pack-en sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 source /etc/default/locale Then, restart terminator.

use netplan to config bridge /etc/netplan sudo nano 00-installer-config.yaml network: version: 2 ethernets: enp2s0: dhcp4: no enp3s0: dhcp4: no enp4s0: dhcp4: no enp5s0: dhcp4: no bridges: br0: dhcp4: yes interfaces: - enp2s0 - enp3s0 - enp4s0 - enp5s0 parameters: stp: true config sysctl to disable ubuntu ethernet filtering cd /etc sudo nano sysctl.conf net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0 add crontab to enable sysctl config sudo crontab -e @reboot /bin/sleep 5 && /sbin/sysctl -p reboot to check sudo reboot Reference netplan: Configuring network bridges Bridged Networking No traffic gets trough (except ARP and STP) Linux Bridge (brctl) not passing the traffic Some sysctls are ignored on boot BridgeNetworkConnections

installation sudo apt install iperf3 -y test tcp speed/throughput start server on serverA(server mode) iperf3 -s -p [default port 5201] start server on serverB(client mode) iperf3 -c <ip of serverA> -p [serverA port] test udp speed/throughput start server on serverA(server mode) same with tcp iperf3 -s -p [default port 5201] use -u option on client side start server on serverB(client mode) iperf3 -c <ip of serverA> -u -p [serverA port] more client options number of parallel client threads Pass the -P option

ubuntu 22.04默认安装 pigz pigz : 是gzip的并行实现,是gzip的全功能替代品,它在压缩数据时充分利用多个处理器和多个内核。 tar with pigz # uncompress tar -I pigz -xf <filename.tar.gz> #

介绍 Physical Volumes (PV): 物理卷, 对应实际的物理磁盘 (如: /dev/sda, /dev,sdb 等) Volume Groups (VG): 卷组, 由物理卷组成(如: vg=/dev/sda + /dev/sdb) Logical Volumes (LV): 逻辑卷, 由卷组划分而来 显

create sudo enabled user # add a new user to the system sudo adduser <username> # adding the user to the sudo group sudo usermod -aG sudo <username> # testing sudo access sudo su - <username> run sudo command without a password sudo visudo # change under line to next line # %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL install miniconda wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py38_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Miniconda3-py38_4.12.0-Linux-x86_64.sh init miniconda # cd to conda install path .