
Regression: Input a vector, the function outputs a scalar.



Function with Unknown Parameters

Model: $y = b + wx_1$
$y$(Label): no. of views on 2/26, $x_1$(feature): no. of views on 2/25
$w$(weight) and $b$(bias) are unknown parameters (learned from data)

Define Loss from Training Data

  • Loss is a function of parameters: $L(b, w)$
  • Loss: how good a set of values is.
  • Loss: $ L = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{n=1}^N e_n$
    • $e = |y - \hat{y}|$ $L$ is mean absolute error (MAE)
    • $e = (y-\hat{y})^2$ $L$ is mean square error (MSE)
    • if $y$ and $\hat{y}$ are both probability distributions, then use Cross-Entropy

使用不同的参数,计算出来的Loss画出来的等高线图叫做:Error Surface

等高线图: Error Surface


找一个$w$和$b$,使$L$最小: $ w^*, b^* = arg \min\limits_{w, b} L$ 这种找到最小$w$和$b$的方法叫做:Gradient Descent

简述Gradient Descent过程

以一个参数$w$为例描述Gradient Descent的过程:

  • 随机初始化点$w^0$
  • 计算$w=w^0$时,对$L$的微分是多少:$\frac{{\partial}L}{{\partial}W}|_{w=w^0}$
    • 如果计算出来的结果为负数,则增加$w$
    • 如果计算出来的结果为正数,则减少$w$
    • 增加或减少的数值为:${\color{red}\eta}\frac{{\partial}L}{{\partial}W}|_{w=w^0}$, $\color{red}\eta$:叫learning rate,是一个hyperparameter
    • 这个过程用的数学表达式是:$ w^1 \leftarrow w^0 - {\color{red}\eta}\frac{{\partial}L}{{\partial}W}|_{w=w^0} $
    • 重复上述步骤不断更新$w$。两种状况会停下来:
      • 更新的次数达到预设值
      • 微分为0

Gradient Descent

当两个参数$w$, $b$时:

  • 随机初始化$w^0$, $b^0$
  • 计算两个微分值
    • $ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w}|_{w=w^0, b=b^0} $ 用$w$的微分更新$w$的值
    • $ w^1 \leftarrow w^0 - {\color{red}\eta}\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}|_{w=w^0, b=b^0} $
    • $ \frac{\partial L}{\partial b}|_{w=w^0, b=b^0} $ 用$b$的微分更新$b$的值
    • $ b^1 \leftarrow b^0 - {\color{red}\eta}\frac{\partial L}{\partial b}|_{w=w^0, b=b^0} $
    • Update $w$ and $b$ interatively


通过观察资料发现数据有7天为一个周期,所以使用新的公式进行调整, 并得到下面数据:

daysfunctiontraining losstesting loss
1$ y = b + wx_{\color{red}1} $$ L = 0.48k $$ L’ = 0.58k $
7$ y = b + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{\color{red}7}w_jx_j $$ L = 0.38k $$ L’ = 0.49k $
28$ y = b + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{\color{red}28}w_jx_j $$ L = 0.33k $$ L’ = 0.46k $
56$ y = b + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{\color{red}56}w_jx_j $$ L = 0.32k $$ L’ = 0.46k $

上述模型有个共同的名字Linear Models

调整模型参数,观察Training Loss和Testing Loss的变化,挑选合适的模型


hyperparameter: 需要人来设置的参数

local minima: 局部最小值

global minima: 全局最小值

总结Machine Learning训练的简单步骤

  • function with unknown
  • define loss from training data
  • optimization


不同的w和不同的b对Linear Models的影响如蓝色线。红色表示可能的真实趋势。这种来自于Model的限制叫做Model Bias

Linear Models的局限性
Linear Models的局限性

All Piecewise Linear Curves

All Piecewise Linear Curves = constant + sum of a set of Hard Sigmoid

Piecewise Linear Curves
Piecewise Linear Curves


\begin{align*} y &= {\color{red}c}\frac{1}{1+e^{-({\color{green}b}+{\color{blue}w}x_1)}} \cr &= {\color{red}c}\,sigmoid({\color{green}b}+{\color{blue}w}x_1) \end{align*}

调整$ {\color{blue}w}, {\color{green}b}, {\color{red}c} $对应的函数图像

Sigmoid Parameters
Sigmoid Parameters


\begin{align*} b\tag{0}\cr {\color{red}c_1}\,sigmoid({\color{green}b_1}+{\color{blue}w_1}x_1)\tag{1}\cr {\color{red}c_2}\,sigmoid({\color{green}b_2}+{\color{blue}w_2}x_1)\tag{2}\cr {\color{red}c_3}\,sigmoid({\color{green}b_3}+{\color{blue}w_3}x_1)\tag{3}\cr \textcolor{red}{\text{red curve}}\text{ will be:} \cr y = b + \sum_{i=1}^3{\color{red}c_i}\,sigmoid({\color{green}b_i}+{\color{blue}w_i}x1) \end{align*}

Sigmoid Parameters
Sigmoid Parameters

基于sigmoid的模型,对原来的模型进行调整如下: \begin{align*} y &= b+wx_1 \cr & \Downarrow \cr y &= b + \sum_{i=1}^n {\color{red}c_i} \, sigmoid({\color{green}b_i}+{\color{blue}w_i}x_i) \cr y &= b + \sum_{j=1}^m w_jx_j \cr & \Downarrow \cr y &= b + \sum_{i=1}^n {\color{red}c_i} \, sigmoid({\color{green}b_i}+\sum_{j=1}^m{\color{blue}w_{ij}}x_j) \end{align*}

使$n=3, m=3$对表达式$y = b + \sum_{i=1}^n {\color{red}c_i} \, sigmoid({\color{green}b_i}+\sum_{j=1}^m{\color{blue}w_{ij}}x_j)$进行展开 \begin{align*} r_1 &= {\color{green}b_1} + {\color{blue}w_{11}}x_1 + {\color{blue}w_{12}}x_2 + {\color{blue}w_{13}}x_3 \cr r_2 &= {\color{green}b_2} + {\color{blue}w_{21}}x_1 + {\color{blue}w_{22}}x_2 + {\color{blue}w_{23}}x_3 \cr r_3 &= {\color{green}b_3} + {\color{blue}w_{31}}x_1 + {\color{blue}w_{32}}x_2 + {\color{blue}w_{33}}x_3 \cr &\Downarrow \cr \begin{bmatrix} r_1 \cr r_2 \cr r_3 \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} {\color{green}b_1} \cr {\color{green}b_2} \cr {\color{green}b_3} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} {\color{blue}w_{11}} & {\color{blue}w_{12}} & {\color{blue}w_{13}} \cr {\color{blue}w_{21}} & {\color{blue}w_{22}} & {\color{blue}w_{23}} \cr {\color{blue}w_{31}} & {\color{blue}w_{32}} & {\color{blue}w_{33}} \cr \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \cr x_2 \cr x_3 \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}


Sigmoid 展开图示

如下图所示,x为feature;而所有的$W, {\color{green}b}, c^T, b$作为unknown parameters展开为一个长的一维向量,定义为$\color{red}\theta$

unknown parameters
unknown parameters

Loss function

  • Loss is a function of parameters $L(\theta)$
  • Loss means how good a set of values is.

Optimization of New Model

$ \theta^* = arg\,\min\limits_\theta L$

  • (Randomly) Pick initial values $\theta^0$
  • 对所有参数$\theta$对$L$做微分,这里的$g$叫做gradient
\begin{align} gradient \Leftarrow g &= \begin{bmatrix} {\frac{\partial L}{\partial\theta_1}|_{\theta=\theta^0}} \cr {\frac{\partial L}{\partial\theta_2}|_{\theta=\theta^0}} \cr \vdots \end{bmatrix} \cr g &= \nabla L(\theta^0) \end{align}
  • 然后进行参数更新
$$ \begin{bmatrix} \theta_1^1 \cr \theta_2^1 \cr \vdots \end{bmatrix} \leftarrow \begin{bmatrix} \theta_1^0 \cr \theta_2^0 \cr \vdots \end{bmatrix} - \begin{bmatrix} {\color{red}\eta}\frac{\partial L}{\partial\theta_1}|_{\theta=\theta^0} \cr {\color{red}\eta}\frac{\partial L}{\partial\theta_2}|_{\theta=\theta^0} \cr \vdots \end{bmatrix} $$ $$ \theta^1 \leftarrow \theta^0 - {\color{red}\eta}g $$
  • Compute gradient $ g = \nabla L(\theta^0) $

全部资料是$L$,批次编号为$L^1, L^2, L^3$。batch是进行参数更新的单位,即一个批次进行一次参数更新;epoch表示所有批次全部执行了参数更新。

batch and epoch
batch and epoch

使用$ Sigmoid \rightarrow ReLU $

  • Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU): $ {\color{red}c}\,max(0, {\color{green}b} + {\color{blue}w}x_1) $
  • 类似sigmoidReLU的函数在机器学习中叫做Activation function
  • 1个sigmoid图形需要2个ReLU来表示


  • only one layer
  • input features are the no. of views in the past 56 days
modeltraining losstesting loss


  • 100 ReLU for each layer
  • input features are the no. of views in the past 56 days
  • Better on training data, worse on unseen data: Overfitting , see layer count 4.
layer counttraining losstesting loss


Backpropgation: an efficient way to compute $\sfrac{\partial L}{\partial w}$

Gradient Descent

  • 对每一个参数针对L进行偏微分得到: $\nabla L(\theta)$
  • 使用batch的数据对参数$\theta$进行更新.

Gradient Descent
Gradient Descent

Chain Rule

  • case 1: $\frac{dz}{dx}=\frac{dz}{dy}\frac{dy}{dx}$
  • case 2: $\frac{dz}{ds}=\frac{dz}{dx}\frac{dx}{ds}+\frac{dz}{dy}\frac{dy}{ds}$

Chain Rule
Chain Rule

Forward and Backward pass:

  • Forward pass: Compute $\sfrac{\partial z}{\partial w}$for all parameters
  • Backward pass: Compute $\sfrac{\partial C}{\partial z}$ for all activation function inputs z

Forward and Backward pass
Forward and Backward pass



  • 假设Model Function为$ y = b + \sum w_i x_i $
  • 原来定义的Loss Function为$ L = \sum\limits_n( \hat{y}^n - ( b + \sum w_i x_i ) )^2$
  • Regularization既是在上面Loss Function的基础上加上红色部分: $ L = \sum\limits_n( \hat{y}^n - ( b + \sum w_i x_i ) )^2 + \color{red}\lambda\sum(w_i)^2$
  • The functions with smaller $w_i$ are better
  • Why smooth functions are preferred?
    • If some noises corrupt input $x_i$ when testing. A smoother function has less influence.
    • 因为在进行预测时,有噪音输入的情况下,越smooth的function对输出造成的影响越不敏感。
  • 其中的$\lambda$也是一个hyperparameter


  • $\lambda$越大时,Regularization项影响就越大,整个function就越平滑
  • Training随着$\lambda$的增加而增加
  • Testing随着$\lambda$的增加先减少再增加
  • We prefer smooth function, but don’t be too smooth.
  • 所以$\lambda$的选择值选择在Testing的Loss的转折点处

Regularization Loss
Regularization Loss

Reference Video