Many Factors Affecting Optimization


Model Bias

  • The model is too simple.
    • find a needle in a haystack (大海捞针)
    • but there is no needle
  • Solution: redesign your model to make it more flexible
    • more features
    • more neurons, layers

Optimization Issue

  • Large loss not always imply model bias. There is another possibility …
    • A needle is in a haystack…, Just cannot find it.

Model Bias v.s. Optimization Issue

  • Gaining the insights from comparison
  • 当在测试数据上和训练数据上有着类似的loss曲线时,这说明是Optimization Issue的问题

Optimization Issue

  • Start from shallower networks(or other models), which are easier to optimize.
  • 从更容易优化的较浅的网络(或其他模型)开始。
  • If deeper networks do not obtain smaller loss on training data, then there is optimization issue.
  • 如果更深的网络在“训练数据”上没有获得更小的损失,那么就存在优化问题。


  • Small loss on training data, large loss on testing data. Why?
  • 数据分布的这条虚线通常是无法明确的获知的,我们通常只能拿到在这条曲线上的多个Training Data
  • 由于model的Flexible, 训练出来的这个模型,在没有训练数据的地方会有“freestyle”, 从而导致测试数据的overfitting
    • 增加训练数据
    • Data augmentation(用一些对这个问题的理解,自己创造出新的训练数据。例如:对图片左右反转,或者是截取其中一块等)
    • 通过限制model来解决overfitting,给model制造限制的方法:
      • make your model simpler
      • Less parameters, sharing parameters
        • Fully-connected的架构是一个比较有弹性的架构;而CNN是一个比较有限制的架构(根据影像的特性来限制模型的弹性)
      • Less features
      • Early stopping
      • Regularization
      • Dropout
    • 这里需要注意,太多的限制和太简单的模型会导致model bias

Bias-Complexity Trade-off

  • 通过观察Training lossTesting loss的loss曲线来选择model和对应的模型限制

N-fold Cross Validation

  • Cross Validation就是N-flod Cross Validation的一个特例
  • 如果使用Cross Validation, 则使用Validation Set的loss最小进行模型的选择
  • 当使用N-fold Cross Validation时,则使用mse的avg最小来挑选模型


  • Your training and testing data have different distributions.
  • 需要对训练资料和测试资料有一定的了解才能分清到底是不是mismatch
  • mismatch和overfitting不是一个东西,overfitting可以通过增加训练资料来解决,而mismatch无法通过增加训练资料来解决

Optimization Fails because

  • loss is Not small enough, because the gradient is close to zero.
  • Gradient为零的情况有:local minima, local maxima, saddle point
  • saddle point: Gradient为零, 同时既不是local minima也不是local maxima的地方
  • Gradient为零的点统称为critical point

Tayler Series Approximation(泰勒级数逼近)

  • 如何知道一个critical pointlocal minima还是saddle point
  • 其中包括 Gradient $\color{green}g$ is a vector, Hessian $\color{red}H$ is a matrix.


  • Gradient $\color{green}g$ 为0时,则可知目前所在位置为临界点Critical Point
  • Hessian $\color{red}H$ can telling the properties of critical points.

  • 当$\color{red}H$这个矩阵中的值全部为正值,则当前所在为Local Minima
  • 当$\color{red}H$这个矩阵中的值全部为负值,则当前所在为Local Maxima
  • 当$\color{red}H$这个矩阵中的值有正有负,则当前所在为Saddle Point

Saddle Point v.s. Local Minima

  • 在一维的空间中看到的local minima,在二维的空间中看到的可能就只是saddle point.
  • 当我们有更多的参数,也许local minima是很少见的

Minimum Ratio

  • 是所有Local Minima的数量与所有Critical Point的比值
  • 从图上可知,最大的ratio也只是0.6
  • 图上Eigen Values就是前文所说的Hessian Matrix.


  • 不会拿所有的资料去算微分,会把所有的资料分成很多个batch,
  • 每个batch的资料算一个loss,算一个Gradient再update参数
  • 所有的资料算过一遍叫做一个epoch
  • shaffle after each epoch, shaffle有很多不同的做法:
    • 一个常见的做法是在每个epoch开始之前,会分一次batch,每一个epoch的batch都不一样

Small Batch v.s. Large Batch

  • Consider we have 20 examples(N=20)
  • Batch size = N (Full batch)
    • Update after seeing all the 20 examples
    • Long time for cooldown but powerful
  • Batch size = 1
    • Update for each example, Update 20 times in an epoch
    • Short time for cooldown but noisy


  • Larger batch size does not require longer time to compute gradient(unless batch size is too large)
  • Smaller batch requires longer time for one epoch (longer time for seeing all data once)


  • 反而是有noisy的batch可以得到好的结果。Smaller batch size has better performance.
  • 如下图,横轴是batch size,纵轴是正确率。如图可知batch size越大,validation set上的结果越差。
  • 这个是overfitting么?这个不是overfitting, 因为我们用的数据和模型都是一致的。所以这里发生在larger batch size上的情况是Optimization Fails.

为什么在Noisy的batch size上update更好呢?一种可能的解释是:

  • Full Batch比较容易stuck,而Small Batch由于不同batch的数据有所不同,所以相对来说不太容易stuck,更容易train到比较小的loss

有研究表明,小的batch size不仅针对training有效,在testing的时候也比大的batch size要好。如下图:


  • 假设如下图的training loss上有很多个Local Minima,这些Local Minima的Loss都足够小
  • 但是Local Minima还是有好坏之分的。如图中,Flat minima(盆地)的容错性要优于sharp minima(峡谷)。
  • 大的batch size倾向于走到峡谷里面,而小的batch size倾向于走到盆地里面。
  • 小的batch size有很多的noisy,它每次走的方向都不太一样,如果这个峡谷比较的窄,那么noisy的batch size很容易跳出峡谷。

Speed for one update (no parallel)FasterSlower
speed for one update (with parallel)SameSame(not too large)
Time for one epochSlowerFaster
Batch size is a hyperparameter you have to decide.



(Vanilla) Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent + Momentum

  • Movement: movement of last step minus gradient at present

Adaptive Learning Rate

  • $ \text{Training stuck} \ne \text{Small Gradient} $
  • 当loss不再下降的时候,需要确认一下Gradient是否为0;即loss不再下降需要分析stuck的原因
  • 如图,当loss不再下降时,norm of gradient 并没有为0

Training can be difficult even without critical points.

  • Learning rate cannot be one-size-fits-all(一刀切).
  • Different parameters needs different learning rate.
  • 相对平坦的Gradient Descent需要较大的Learning Rate
  • 相对尖锐的Gradient Descent需要较小的Learning Rate

Formulation for one parameter:

\begin{align} \theta_i^{t+1} & \leftarrow \theta_i^t - {\color{red}\eta}g_i^t \cr g_i^t & = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_i} |_{\theta=\theta^t} \cr & \Downarrow \cr \theta_i^{t+1} & \leftarrow \theta_i^t - {\color{red}\frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^t}}g_i^t \end{align}

${\color{red}\frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^t}}$就是Parameter dependent的Learning Rate,下面介绍几种常见的计算方法:

Root Mean Square (Used in Adagrad)

\begin{align} \theta_i^1 & \leftarrow \theta_i^0 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^0}g_i^0 & \sigma_i^0 &= \sqrt{(g_i^0)^2} = |g_i^0| \cr \theta_i^2 & \leftarrow \theta_i^1 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^1}g_i^1 & \sigma_i^1 &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}[(g_i^0)^2+(g_i^1)^2]} \cr \theta_i^3 & \leftarrow \theta_i^2 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^2}g_i^2 & \sigma_i^2 &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{3}[(g_i^0)^2+(g_i^1)^2+(g_i^2)^2]} \cr & \vdots \cr \theta_i^{t+1} & \leftarrow \theta_i^t - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^t}g_i^t & \sigma_i^t &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{t+1}\sum_{i=0}^t(g_i^t)^2} \end{align}

  • 小的$\sigma_i^t$会有大的step
  • 大的$\sigma_i^t$会有小的step

Learning rate adapts dynamically

  • 即使针对同一个参数,在不同的时候,可能也需要有不同的Learning Rate


\begin{align} \theta_i^1 & \leftarrow \theta_i^0 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^0}g_i^0 & \sigma_i^0 &= \sqrt{(g_i^0)^2} = |g_i^0| \cr & & & \text{设 } 0 < \alpha < 1 \cr \theta_i^2 & \leftarrow \theta_i^1 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^1}g_i^1 & \sigma_i^1 &= \sqrt{\alpha(\sigma_i^0)^2 + (1-\alpha)(g_i^1)^2} \cr \theta_i^3 & \leftarrow \theta_i^2 - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^2}g_i^2 & \sigma_i^2 &= \sqrt{\alpha(\sigma_i^1)^2 + (1-\alpha)(g_i^2)^2]} \cr & \vdots \cr \theta_i^{t+1} & \leftarrow \theta_i^t - \frac{\eta}{\sigma_i^t}g_i^t & \sigma_i^t &= \sqrt{\alpha(\sigma_i^{t-1})^2 + (1-\alpha)(g_i^t)^2} \end{align}

Adam: RMSProp + Momentum

Learning Rate Scheduling

Summary Of Optimization

  • Momentum: weighted sum of the previous gradients (考虑方向)
  • $\sigma_i^t$: 只考虑大小不考虑方向
  • $\eta^t$: Learning rate scheduling

Loss for Classification

Class as one-hot vector

  • one-hot vector for multi-output


  • soft-max对上层多输出结果做一个normalize
  • 并且让大的值和小的值之间的差距更大
  • soft-max有时又叫做logit

Loss function

  • Mean Square Error (MSE): $ e = \sum\limits_i(\hat y_i - y_i^\prime)^2 $
  • Cross-entropy: $ e = -\sum\limits_i \hat y_i ln y_i^\prime $
  • Minimizing cross-entropy is equivalent to maximizing likelihood.

Loss function affect Optimization

  • 设目前做一个三分类的模型,当前这个分类的结果是$ \hat y = \begin{bmatrix}1 \cr 0 \cr 0 \end{bmatrix} $
  • e表示$y到\hat y$之间的距离,可以是MSE,也可以是Cross-entropy
  • $y_1$的取值范围为[-10, 10], $y_2$的取值范围为[-10, 10], $y_3$的取值为固定值-1000
  • 下图左右分别为MSE和Cross-entropy想对于y的取值的Error Surface,
  • 这两张图中Error Surface的特点都是右下角loss小,左上角loss大
  • 假设我们开始的地方都是左上角:如果我们选择Cross-entropy,左上角的地方是有斜率的,所以可以通过gradient的方法一路向右下角走达到small loss; 如果我们选择MSE,我们就卡住了,在MSE左上角这个loss很大的地方,它的gradient非常小,趋进于零,而距离目标又很远,没有很好的办法通过gradient的方法走到右下角。
  • 所以如果做classification时,选择使用MSE做loss时,有很大可能性train不起来; 当然如果使用类似Adam这些好的Optimizer时,也许有机会走到右下角。
  • Changing the loss function can change the difficulty of optimization.


Changing Landscape

  • $w_1, w_2$与不同的feature相关,由于不同的feature范围不同,导致了$w_1, w_2$的变动对最终的loss产生不同的影响
  • 是否可以找到一个方法,让不同的feature有着相似的range

Feature Normalization

  • 下图只是Feature Normalization的一种可能
  • $ x^1, x^2, \cdots, x^R $ 为数据的R个features
  • For each dimension i:
    • $m_i$ : mean
    • $\sigma_i$ : standard deviation
  • Normalization: $\tilde{x}_i^r \leftarrow \frac{x_i^r-m_i}{\sigma_i} $
    • The means of all dims are 0, and the variances are all 1
  • In general, feature normalization makes gradient descent converge faster.


  • $\tilde{x}^1$在经过$W^1$后得到的$z^1$也是具有不同的range的,这将导致针对$W^2$的optimize会比较的困难
  • 对于$W^2$来说,这里的z或者a也是feature,所以这里需要考虑对z或者a做Normalization
  • 那么到底在激活函数的前面还是后面做normalization呢?实作中都可以,但当activation function为Sigmoid时,建议在Sigmoid的前面,也就是这里的z做normalization。

Feature Normalization的计算

  • $\mu = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^nz^i $
  • $ \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(z^i-\mu)^2} $
  • $ \tilde{z}^i = \frac{z^i-\mu}{\sigma} $

Batch normalization

  • 由于需要对$x, z^1, z^2, \cdots, z^n$都做normalization,所以这是一个巨大的network,如果使用这个巨大的network针对所有的数据去求$\mu和\sigma$是不太现实的, 所以只能将范围缩小到一个batch,从而诞生了batch normalization。
  • 而在做Batch normalization的时候,往往还会加上一个$\beta和\gamma$, 得到方程$ \hat{z}^i = \gamma\odot\tilde{z}^i+\beta $ 其中 $ \tilde{z}^i = \frac{z^i-\mu}{\sigma} $
  • 实际在做训练时,考虑到normalization的情况,在初始情况下$\gamma$会被初始化为one vector(全1的向量), 而$\beta$会被初始化为zero vector(全0的向量)。

Batch normalization - Testing

  • We do not always have batch at testing stage.
  • Computing the moving average of $\mu$ and $\sigma$ of the batches during training.
  • 如下计算出$\bar{\mu}, \bar{\sigma}$,替换training中的表达式$ \tilde{z} = \frac{z-\mu}{\sigma} $得到$ \tilde{z} = \frac{z-\bar{\mu}}{\bar{\sigma}} $
  • How to compute moving average?

\begin{align} \mu^1, \mu^2, \mu^3, \cdots, \mu^t \cr \bar{\mu} \leftarrow p\bar{\mu} + (1-p)\mu^t \end{align}

Batch Normalization Refs

Normalization Refs

New Optimization

What you have known before?

  • SGD - stochastic gradient descent: 随机梯度下降
  • SGDM - stochastic gradient descent with momentum
  • Adagrad
  • RMSProp
  • Adam

Some Notations

  • $\theta_t$: model parameters at time step t
  • $\nabla L(\theta_t) \text{or } g_t$: gradient at $\theta_t$, used to compute $\theta_{t+1}$
  • $m_{t+1}$: momentum accumulated from time step 0 to time step t, which is used to compute $\theta_{t+1}$

\begin{align} g_t \cr \overleftarrow{x_t \rightarrow \theta_t \rightarrow y_t ^\underleftrightarrow{L(\theta_t;x_t)} \hat{y}_t} \end{align}

What is Optimization about ?

  • Find a $\theta$ to get the lowest $\sum_x L(\theta; x)$ !!
  • Or, Find a $\theta$ to get the lowest $L(\theta)$ !!

On-line vs Off-line learning

  • On-line: one pair of $(x_t, \hat{y}_t)$ at a time step
  • Off-line: pour all $(x_t, \hat{y}_t)$ into the model at every time step

SGD (stochastic gradient descent)

  • Start at position $\theta^0$
  • Compute gradient at $\theta^0$
  • Move to $\theta^1 = \theta^0 - \eta \nabla L(\theta^0)$
  • Compute gradient at $\theta^1$
  • Move to $\theta^2 = \theta^1 - \eta \nabla L(\theta^1)$
  • Stop until $\nabla L(\theta^t) \approx 0$

SGDM (stochastic gradient descent with momentum)

  • Start at point $\theta^0$
  • Movement $V^0=0$
  • Compute gradient at $\theta^0$
  • Movement $V^1=\lambda V^0 - \eta \nabla L(\theta^0)$
  • Move to $\theta^1 = \theta^0 + V^1$
  • Compute gradient at $\theta^1$
  • Movement $V^2 = \lambda V^1 - \eta \nabla L(\theta^1)$
  • Move to $\theta^2 = \theta^1 + V^2$


  • $\theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{t-1}(g_i)^2}}g_{t-1}$


  • $\theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{v_t}}g_{t-1}$
  • $v_1 = g_0^2$
  • $v_t = \alpha v_{t-1} + (1-\alpha)(g_{t-1})^2$


  • $ \theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{\hat{v}_t} + \varepsilon}\hat{m}_t $

Optimizers: Real Application

  • BERT: 作Q/A, 文章生成, 2018年提出,使用 ADAM
  • Transformer: 用于翻译, 使用 ADAM
  • Tacotron: 最早使用神经网络作逼真的语音生成的模型, 2017年提出, 使用 ADAM
  • Yolo: 使用 SGDM
  • Mask R-CNN: 使用 SGDM
  • ResNet: 使用 SGDM
  • Gig-GAN: 生成影像, 使用 ADAM
  • MEMO: 在不同的分类任务中学到共同的资讯, 使用 ADAM

Adam vs SGDM

  • Adam: fast training, large generalization gap, unstable
  • SGDM: stable, little generalization gap, better convergence(?)

Simply combine Adam with SGDM?

  • SWATS: Begin with Adam(fast), end with SGDM

Towards improving Adam

  • 根据前面的计算公式,从100000到100998的梯度都是1,所以movement都是$\eta$
  • 第100999步的梯度很大,100000,对应的movement为$10\sqrt{10}\eta$
  • 这导致了前面很多无用的批次的梯度产生了约1000$\eta$的无用变化(乱走),而其中一个有用的很小的批次带来的变化只有33个$\eta$
  • 当梯度大部分都很小时,就会产生这样的问题;有用的大的梯度对应的批次会被大量的小的无用的梯度牵着鼻子走

  • Reduce the influence of non-informative gradients
  • Remove de-biasing due to the max operation
  • 这个算法的改进可以类比为Adagrad和RMSProp, 所以感觉并没有起到很好的效果
  • In the final stage of training, most gradients are small and non-informative, while some mini-batches provide large informative gradient rarely
  • Learning rates are either extremely large(for small gradients) or extremely small(for large gradients)
  • AMSGrad only handles large learning rates
  • AdaBound的公式中,有参数并非adaptive的,而是有点工程方法

Towards Improving SGDM

  • Adaptive learning rate algorithms: dynamically adjust learning rate over time
  • SGD-type algorithms: fix learning rate for all updates… too slow for small learning rates and bad result for large learning rates
  • There might be a “best” learning rate?

Learning Rate range test

  • Learning Rate 在很大或很小的时候,性能都不会很好
  • Learning Rate 适中的时候,性能才比较好

Cyclical LR
  • learning rate: decide by LR range test
  • step size: several epochs
  • avoid local minimum by varying learning rate
  • learning rate在大小,大小的循环进行变化
  • 变大的时候时在作exploration(探索),变小的时候是在作收敛
  • The more exploration the better!

  • 不用象Cyclical LR一样不断的变大再变小,而是在变小后,重新变回初始值重新开始

One-Cycle LR
  • warm-up + annealing + fine-tuning

Does Adam need warm-up?

  • distorted(扭曲的) gradient -> distorted EMA squared gradients -> Bad learning rate
  • keep your step size small at the beginning of training helps to reduce the variance of the gradients
  • 新的warm-up的方法是,先变小,再变大


RAdam vs SWATS

Distortion of gradient at the beginning of training results in inaccurate adaptive learning rate
non-convergence and generalization gap of Adam, slow training of SGDM
Adam 的不收敛和泛化差距,SGDM 训练缓慢
HowApply warm-up learning rate to reduce the influence of inaccurate adaptive learning rate
Combine their advantages by applying Adam first, then SGDM
通过先应用 Adam,然后应用 SGDM 来结合它们的优势
SwitchSGDM to RAdamAdam to SGDM
Why switchThe approximation of the variance of $\hat{v}_t$ is invalid at the beginning of training
To purse better convergence
Switch pointWhen the approximation becomes valid
Some human-defined criteria

K step forward, 1 step back

  • Lookahead: universal wrapper for all optimizers
  • 这个算法有两组weight:
    • 这里$\theta$是用于explore(探索)的,叫做Fast weights
    • $\phi$是真正需要的weight,叫做Slow weights
  • 循环分外循环和内循环。
    • 内循环会走k步,内循环的Optim可以使用任意的optimizer
    • 每走完一遍内循环,根据当前位置,到内循环开始前的位置,根据$\alpha$计算出下次循环开始的位置
    • 接下来,使用新计算出来的$\phi$进行新一轮的内循环
  • 这个方法和Memo里面的演算法Reptile很像

\begin{align} & \text{For }t = 1, 2, \dots \text{(outer loop)} \cr &  \theta_{t,0} = \phi_{t-1} \cr &  \text{For } i = 1, 2, \dots, k \text{(inner loop)} \cr &    \theta_{t,i} = \theta_{t, i-1} + \text{Optim(Loss, data, }\theta_{t, i-1}\text{)} \cr &  \phi_t = \phi_{t-1} + \alpha(\theta_{t,k} - \phi_{t-1}) \end{align}

  • 1 step back: avoid too dangerous exploration, 避免走入一个峡谷的minima
  • Look for a more flatten minimum, 寻找更多的平坦的minima
  • More stable
  • Better generalization

More than momentum

Can we look into the future?

  • Nesterov accelerated gradient (NAG)
  • SGDM
    • $ \theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - m_t $
    • $ m_t = \lambda m_{t-1} + \eta \nabla L (\theta_{t-1}) $
  • Look into the future
    • $ \theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - m_t $
    • $ m_t = \lambda m_{t-1} + \eta \nabla L (\theta_{t-1} - \lambda m_{t-1}) $

\begin{align} \text{Let } {\theta_t}^\prime &= \theta_t - \lambda m_t \cr &= \theta_{t-1} - m_t - \lambda m_t \cr &= \theta_{t-1} - \lambda m_t - \lambda m_{t-1} - \eta \nabla L(\theta_{t-1} - \lambda m_{t-1}) \cr &= {\theta_{t-1}}^\prime - \lambda m_t - \eta \nabla L({\theta_{t-1}}^\prime) \cr m_t &= \lambda m_{t-1} + \eta \nabla L({\theta_{t-1}}^\prime) \end{align}

Adam in the future

  • Nadam
    • $ \theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{\hat{v}}+\varepsilon} \hat{m}_t $
    • $ \hat m_t = \frac{\beta_1 m_t}{1-{\beta_1}^{t+1}} + \frac{(1-\beta_1) g_{t-1}}{1-{\beta_1}^t} $
  • SGDM
    • $ \hat m_t = \frac{1}{1-{\beta_1}^t}(\beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1-\beta_1)g_{t-1}) $
    • $ = \frac{\beta_1m_{t-1}}{1-{\beta_1}^t} + \frac{(1-\beta_1)g_{t-1}}{1-{\beta_1}^t} $

Do you really know your optimizer?

  • A story of L2 regularization
  • AdamW & SGDW with momentum
    • SGDWM
    • AdamW

Something helps optimization


  • Shuffling
  • Dropout: 增加随机性的方法
  • Gradient noise: 在计算Gradient后,加上一个高斯的noise
The more exploration, the better

和Learning Rate调整相关的方法

  • Warm-up
  • Curriculum learning: 比如使用没有噪音的声音去训练它,等到它足够强的时候,再融入有噪音的训练样本。
    • Train your model with easy data(e.g. clean voice) first, then difficult data.
    • Perhaps helps to improve generalization.
  • Fine-tuning
Teach your model patiently!


  • Batch Normalization
  • Instance Normalization
  • Group Normalization
  • Layer Normalization
  • Positional Normalization


Optimize method

  • Team SGD
    • SGD
    • SGDM
    • Learning rate scheduling
    • NAG
    • SGDWM
  • Team Adam
    • Adagrad
    • RMSProp
    • Adam
    • AMSGrad
    • AdaBound
    • Learning rate scheduling
    • Radam
    • Nadam
    • AdamW
  • Lookahead
Better convergencePossibly non-convergence
Smaller generalization gapLarger generalization gap
  • SGDM
    • Computer vision
    • image classification
    • segmentation
    • object detection
  • Adam
    • NLP
      • QA
      • machine translation
      • summary
    • Speech synthesis
    • GAN
    • Reinforcement learning

Reference Video